Sunday, November 25, 2007
The fact that Alaska Airlines flies from Denver to Seattle is not one to be taken lightly, for as of late the weather is, for lack of a better word, salubrious. Wholesome. Fresh…
It comes from the North and doesn’t stop for a biting moment to replenish itself in the scads of warmth along the way. I suppose the dubbing of Seattle as ‘The Gateway To Alaska' was symbolic in that the cold seems to meander its way on down the coast, stopping only in Seattle before it continues its respite to LA where it begins anew nice ‘n warm ‘n breezy. Or, maybe it just stops in Seattle and bides it’s time till the moment of exit commences… exit being back north… or… maybe it trails me as I flee.
At the moment training has begun, and the hours spent by me upon my stead have… proliferated. And will continue to proliferate until the ‘twinkling of an eye’ arrives. Sort of like when the stars align, of which, I’ve heard, can be seen the best from atop Mauna Kea. With time a zephyr will send me to a much more negotiable habitat. SKYROCK best describes the moment.