Riding on the moon
Nevertheless, despite all concern for good weather leading up to California, on the one day that it was entirely not possible to ride on the trainer… the rain fell in a fury that’d leave even the most tropical of individuals in a state of awe. Although I long for the 5.5 hour ride in the rain, the memory of the tour of Georgia is still much too fresh, in which case otherwise absurd alternatives are abound. The training of today was set to be 5.5 hours of motor pacing. Of course motor pacing is possible on the trainer, just not effective. So, unless you have an unusual desire to do 5 hours behind a car in the rain your only other option is to set out in search of arid climates. Off hand I knew of only one close enough to make for a feasible adventure. Indeed, the decision was exactly as such; “it’s raining, let’s go across the mountains. It’s probably not raining there.”
“Good idea, how ‘bout Wenatchee?”
“Perfect.” When we got to Wenatchee we set out to find a practical road… besides the freeway. We found an ideal route in Highway 2 to Spokane. Starting with a 10 mile climb up and onto this celestial plateau where the thriving town of Waterville is situated, the perfectly smooth road meanders along rolling terrain all the way to Spokane. We made it to Wilbur, I think. Then turned around and came back… 222 kilometers. Max speed on a flat road: 93.2 kph…
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